Don't chase the rice cake from behind another person.

When I was in kindergarten. There was a traditional celebration called "mochi-maki" when a family builds a new house, they throw rice cakes to the crowed of neighbors.

My kindergarten teacher threw rice cakes to the children in the hall, but there were not enough rice cakes to go around.

So, only the quick children got their portion.

I failed to take one for myself. I was full of regret.

At my home I told that to my father.

He said " It's impossible to get a rice cake that someone in front of you is chasing. You should stay still until the opportunity shows itself."

Though I was a child I knew those were word of wisdom.

To this day I never try to chase a rice cake from behind another person.

For instance, when some one brings me an enticing story, I recognize that the opportunity was a "rice cake" others were already after.

